Allow me let you in on a little secret. Most of the time I get ready to write a piece, I usually have the idea right before I start. On some great days, I get the idea hours before I put he piece together. And yet, at other times, I just start with a potential idea and will it to make sense. On special (odd) days; ideas linger in my head for days and maybe weeks before I truly can find the words to express them to the fullest. This piece you are about to read was born of these enduring, unshaken ideas. I remember writing about my word for 2020 really early last year ; how it would pay to move with all form of intention in the course of the year. The idea of being intentional was just it for me. Just like this article, the opening post for 2020 was born of an enduring idea. It felt as if the word was playing in a loop in my head; going on for days. Here I am again (in November), not consciously thinking about but having thoughts of 2021 popping in my head ever so often. I am sure many d...