
Showing posts from October, 2017


    It's another lovely day and the mini-series continues. It's still all about the book: THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS that was featured in the previous part. Whenever i read certain books and publications, I like to take note so that I can make further reference to them in the days to come. Below is the concluding part of the snippets of the book aforementioned. Enjoy!! 14) When we confess the Word with joy, it brings conviction to listeners. Faith’s confession is always a joyful confession.  15) Our words should never bruise or hurt but should bless and heal. Let Jesus’ love rule your lips.  16) Cultivate the habit of thinking big things, and then learn to ise words that will react upon your own spirit and make you a conqueror.  17) The Word in your lips not only make you free, but it sets others -John 15:7 18) What you confess in faith is what you possess.  19) An affirmation of doubt builds unbelief. An affirmation of faith builds stren...


     Hello guys!  I remember mentioning that I'd be starting a mini series this week in my previous post . I read this book a while back (can't remember which month it was) and I'd say i was literally blessed. The book just basically expanded my knowledge on how much weight our words carry. The book titled THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS written by E.W KENYON and DON GOSSETT was an awesome read and also inspired me to start this mini series.    So to kick off the mini series, I bring you some snippets from the book aforementioned hoping they'd bless you to an extent. Enjoy!! 1. Faith holds fast to the confession of the word, sense knowledge holds fast to the confession of physical evidence. 2. Hold fast to the confession of the Word even in the face of apparent contradictions – EW Kenyon 3. Our confession centres around several things: -    What God in Christ has wrought for us.  -    What God through His Word a...


    My!!! Its been a while since I posted and for that I apologize. I was busy with some stuff and—posting up here woulda affected my productivity a bit cos my attention would have been divided—I really needed a break. Anyways, I’m back and hopefully would stay around for a while.      Though I was away from this space, I still had post ideas penned down and I’m pleased to announce that I’d be starting a mini series soon. I read other blogs and have seen quite a number of series that have inspired me to have at least one of my own—aside the fact that three of my future posts just happen to be carry the same idea. The series would be in three parts; one every week. I’d be revealing the series in my next post so watch this space. PS: I’d leave a hint though: WORDS. Till next week. Mina