I guess it’s no news that I’m a bibliophile and I’ve given my somewhat fair share of book reviews on this blog well, I’m here with another. Drum roll please. *** Ever since I read THE SUMMONS by JOHN GRISHAM , I don’t think I’d pass up a chance to read any other book of his. Overlooking the fact that a majority of his books deal with lawyers and law-related ideas, I’m a fan of his works even though I personally have nothing to do with law. He’s a great storyteller from my POV. This post isn’t about John Grisham per se but one of his books that I read recently. So, I’m the kind of person that prefers hardcopy over softcopy anytime any day—call me archaic, I don’t mind. When I had the chance to request for books and Grisham was available, I just couldn’t resist though it was an e-book. It was a good thing though I’m still a hardcopy person. Away from the softcopy experience, let me dive straight into the review. THE BRETHREN copy...