Bye-bye Old school

I wrote this article last year but somehow, it was pushed to the background like many of my journaled posts. Well, well, just pretend like it's last year and enjoy reading. Image credit For some weeks now, I've been close pals with my FM radio which has given me the chance to listen to Nigerian music that I guiltily don't go all out to listen to. Music is a stress reliever and that is true and totally fine. For me however, aside the beat—that truly could relieve stress. Listened to instrumentals?—I'm one for content. Whenever I listen to music, I unconsciously keep my ears up to hear every word possible in that song, in order to assess if it's something I'd like to listen to on a regs—probably why I tilt towards ballads. Sadly, quite a number of Nigerian artistes have little or no real content in the music they churn out. Ironically, quite a number of Nigerian songs talk about the same thing; lust as love, the physique opposite sex (majorly female) a...