credit Habits are definitely part of our day to day lives, they are things or traits that we pick up oftentimes unknowingly be it good or bad habits. I suck at intros at times, so, I ’ d dive into the 4 healthy habits I have to share with y ’ all today: Gratitude : I doubt it can ever be over-flogged how important gratitude is, it sure feels like an essential in the survival kit of life on planet earth. However, an entitlement mentality (that seems to be gaining more traction nowadays) can often get in the way of one feeling the need to be grateful under all circumstances. Notwithstanding, gratitude is a real healthy habit to cultivate, finding reasons to be grateful no matter how little on a daily basis is definitely needed to add meaning to one ’ s day. credit Exercise : if I were to make a list of 100 things I suck at, no doubt, exercising (conscious workout) would have one of the top spots on that list. That aside, exercising keeps the whole bo...