
Showing posts from December, 2018


  I added another year a couple weeks back and that brought the realization that I've had this space (the blog) for about 4 years now, even though it doesn't feel like that much time has actually flown. It has been four years of posting, disappearing for months and then resurfacing. Four years of discovery, writing to my heart's content, airing my views and invariably exploring new sides of blogging and me. In view of all this, I'd be sharing my BLOG STORY, a peek into the whole journey, my expectations and all that. WHY DID I START A BLOG??    I read quite a number of blogs and as far as I remember, most bloggers seem to have started for a particular reason. Take for example; a fashion blogger looking to air fashion opinions or a writer seeking a platform for literature and likes. For me though, I never really had an idea of what I was starting a blog for, all I knew was I could create one easily--so why not? It took me months to actually start making posts on ...


   I recall mentioning some posts back that I was on break and, that caused me to have time for more books away from school. If you have been keeping tabs on this blog, you’d probably suspect that I have a thing for John Grisham’s works and, your suspicion is right. My first experience with him was when I stumbled upon THE SUMMONS in my home library (funny how I never got to review that) and thereafter, I went out of my way to find the other books of his that I have read including THE BRETHREN. Anyhoo, I went hunting again during this break and last month, I found the book mentioned in the title and I couldn’t help but want to read it for two basic reasons: I) The seeming christmas theme and, II) It was unrelated to law which as far as I know is what Grisham majorly writes about.   So yeah, I dug right in, head first. OVERVIEW As the title implies, the book tells the story of a couple’s (The Krank’s: Luther and Nora Krank) plan to skip Christmas. Their only c...


It’s Christmastime!!!! This sure is one of the things that makes December a really pleasurable month for me. The sheer thought of chill air and relaxation and an overwhelming sense of peace hmm!! With Christmas in a couple days’ time, I have a couple words for you. You probably are busy prepping for the celebration so, I’d try keeping this simple and sweet *winks*.    Christmas often meets us with numerous expenses, from wears, to food, family or personal outings, gifts and even travel expenses, just to mention a few. It sure could go without dispute that, we tend to spend more during the yuletide than the two preceding months. I would be talking about curbing excess expenses during this season. Recall the saying; failing to plan is planning to fail? Well, well, there’s every tendency for you to overspend on a regular day not to talk of the festive period/ year’s end. I deem it wise to have a budget, set a threshold amount, the max you’d spend on certain things and be sur...


DAY 7 God: There sure are days when I can't help but acknowledge that the things I have managed to achieve have not been solely by my wit or strength. Days when I say within me; “I know that was all you God” and smile like an idiot. Days like that would always be; when one comes to the knowledge of strength and grace beyond human capacity or imagination. When one comes to know peace that transcends any circumstance, good or bad. For your supremacy, For the days you bore me up on your wings. For being my source, For being my strength on down days, For your wisdom. I am most definitely grateful. For who you were, who you are and who you always would be For forgiveness and mercies, For strengths and wise decisions, For your loving kindness, For watching over us. I most definitely am grateful. For your patience with me, For always being there. For the peace you give and always would, I most definitely am grateful. If I was to count it all, a million page...


Day 6: Books (good ones to be precise) I probably would be overflogging it if i mention how much of a book person i am well, too late. I just did. I'm grateful for good books in whatever form that come, paperback, hardback, no back (softcopy) or something that has passed through different hands, as long as the prints are clear, and there are no missing pages, I'm game. For the alternate universes I've been thrust into over the years, For the characters I've come to know and love. And those that have become part of me, For the variety of emotions that you've introduced me too, Trust me I am grateful. For the unexpected twists, The suspenseful moments, Times when you left me turning your pages like a hungry bookworm (pun intended) For the beauty within you that I have come to appreciate Trust me I am grateful. For the truths, For painting things for what they really are. For the knowledge you hold, For telling stories that some would rather not,...


DAY 5 2018: 2018 started with a bang and on a rather upbeat note for me. It saw me take baby steps to new terrains and an entirely new course of life. 2018 saw me at my strongest and weakest. It blessed me with days I conquered mountains and days I would just wish to sit and stare into blank space wishing to actually detach myself from the rigors of life. For the big breaks, for the small mercies; For the beginnings and ends of each and every month, For the experiences and created memories that would last more than a while. I am grateful. For everything taken in stride, for the goods, bads and uglies, For the brickwalls and “dead ends” and escapes, For the days and months of sun and rain. I am grateful.. For the lessons and blessings in every situation regardless how daunting, For moments of strengths and strength in weaknesses, For the days of benefits and otherwise, I am grateful… For 2018, I’m grateful.


DAY 4 Good people: Photo For the beautiful personalities I have come to know so far, For the people that actually bother to care, For the listening ears, For those that can put up with my trash, For my “ride-or-dies”, For my day ones, For the immensely kind hearts I have been blessed to meet and know, For good people in my spheres and anywhere, I’m grateful.


DAY 3 Storms/ trials/ mistakes: Life no matter how good is laced with any of these. I am thankful for the storms I’ve weathered, they may have roughed me up but I sure survived. I am thankful for the trials and how we’ve come to overcome them. I am thankful for the mistakes made and the lessons learned. I am thankful for the storms, trials and mistakes that have made me ME. They may have been tough enough to break me but then, I am thankful that even in the storm, I found strength and wisdom that would forever inform certain decisions. Thankful, I am.


DAY 2 Family: For awesome people I can call kin. For those home and away, I sincerely am thankful. For the memories we’ve created and forever would remember. For understandable silences, I sincerely am thankful. For the laughs and joys time has caused us to share. For the firsts we’ve witnessed together, I sincerely am thankful. For the support thus far, for bearing me up on your shoulders. For laying good examples and paths to follow, for all and all so far, I sincerely am thankful.


 Hello all, remember me talking about taking on a challenge some posts back? Well, after some thought, I decided to engage in a gratitude challenge. I’m big on the act of gratefulness and believe it should be a daily affair no matter how little but then, I’d be engaging in seven days of gratitude here on the blog (today inclusive). The post in the next seven days may be rather short but then, it’s the idea that it carries that matters. DAY 1 Life:  For the breath in my lungs, the blood flowing through my veins, the air I breath (even if it’s the polluted Lagos version), I sure am grateful. For the jiffies, seconds, minutes, hours and days. For the eventful years and the beautiful story of my life that is being crafted slowly but surely, I sure am grateful. For safe movement from location to location, for my legs that can cover distances. For safe trips and journeys on “very good roads”, I am grateful. For what I’ve been through and where I have been and where I cur...