“The ivory towers and alleged repository of knowledge. Oh, how much my big ears have heard and my spectacled eyes beheld. Does that ring a bell?” source Anyhoo, the university space can be likened to a small community on its own where you get to meet and mingle with a pool of people with different character traits and backgrounds, and different stories to tell. What has the varsity environment taught me? The list would likely turn inexhaustible in a couple years’ time but for now, Read on to find out. Tolerance : this would likely top anyone’s list as varsity can be likened to a confluence point of freshwater and salt water. In the university environment, one would inevitably have to learn and eventually master the skill of tolerance. From people with non so pleasant attitudes to the proud and loudmouthed and whatever might complete the list for you, tolerance is something you get to learn as you grow in the aforementioned environment. I have learnt and am still lear...