YOU I am grateful for you!! Yes, you ! You have made it through the sharp twists and turns in the road called 2020. you have ridden the 2020 roller coaster successfully. Ok! Maybe you puked a little but the ride is almost grinding to a halt and you are doing good. I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped you in the course oft he year. Grateful for the lessons learned and those you are still taking notes on--life is an endless learning process. I am grateful for your boldness, opportunities that came your way, your sanity (I really hope this has managed to remain intact)and the beautiful connections you have fostered. I am grateful for your progress, improvements and victories--big and small. I am glad you are reading this piece right this moment, in one piece. The year has been unpredictable but here you are scaling mountains like an absolute badass. Super grateful for you! ‘Mina. What are you thankful for?