
Showing posts from February, 2020


 I have the habit of saving random pictures I come across on the internet (pinterest and co) from memes, quotes to pictures from spongebob cos, who doesn't? The above picture is one I find myself taking some thought to whenever I scroll through my gallery. It feels more like a conflict of thoughts most times. On one hand, in an alternate time line, I could have subscribed to this school of thought but everytime I find this picture, I think otherwise. What's yours would find you. Sounds fair, doesn't it? But then, how would what is yours find you if you don't put yourself in the position to be found? Sure, at times things come looking for you but more often than not, we fail to realize that there are some little things that would have been done in the past to put us at that spot at the time "ours" decided to come find us. What's yours would find you but what's yours won't be glad seeing you lazing around when it comes. This is not to say I d...


  For a number of posts now, we've been on about the lunacy that is Lagos and how much this city has to do to become a megacity.      A few days back as many know, the Lagos state govt placed a ban on motorcycles popularly called “okada” and tricycles more commonly known as “keke napep” in a number of commercial areas in Lagos. In light of this, a number of Lagos residents have registered their displeasure at this new regulation by the government.      Government sources have cited the supposed high rate of crime perpetuated by the operators of these light automobile as one of the cardinal reasons for the ban. It has also been mentioned that a high rate of accidents caused by the operators is another reason for the ban.      However, a lot of Lagos residents view this new policy as a poorly thought out initiative that will eventually end up being counterproductive. One key question that has been raised is:   What will happen...