The world as we know it functions smoothly or otherwise as a result of processes. There is the process for water to leave the earth only to return as precipitation. There the process for fields to yield crops (even if this has recently seen modifications). There’s the process for a child to become an adult. There is the process for your heart to send blood round your body. Some of these processes differ in details depending on the end product of the process. And every process, intricate, complex or simple births a change. As time and seasons change, humans adapt. Daily activities that once consumed chunks of our time, now aided by technology are significantly faster and seamless to achieve. I align with the thoughts of this newly found ease and swiftness affecting our patience and endurance levels. Source At times,we grow impatient-- over little and big things alike-- forgetting that there is a process to things. Forgetting that humans just like crops, yield at differ...