Staying consistently inspired is definitely not one of the easiest things in the world, be you a creative or not. There are days where regardless the fine ideas stuck in our heads, they just can't be translated to something tangible. And on worse days, the ideas don't even form, at all. This was me in the early days of June. I literally watched the hours pass right before my eyes without being able to account for them. For one who finds it hard to just sit still without being occupied, this was a tough one for me. I had tons of pending and prospective projects eagerly awaiting my attention but my mind and body were out of touch. I was in a slump. This wasn't my first instance of being stuck in a slump (I get into writing slumps from time to time all year round) but this was definitely different. Imagine being uninspired to do anything aside the mundane routine of life. Yes, that was me. The good thing is, I'm finally out of that slump (for long). But you may wond...