It has been well over a month since y’all saw me here. Trust me, I never forgot this space but, I found the need to take a step back. Over the past couple months, I have been caught in the to-be or not-to-be loop. Wondering; should I or should I not? Although I have spent a good part of the time away writing the best possible content, I have spent even more time thinking. Thinking, about what you might ask. . . Shutting down this space permanently. Yup, I have chewed on that thought for the time I was away these past months. Stock Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels Why? Late in the month of June, I began uploading content on Medium, based on recommendation. In case you don’t know, medium is essentially a community for writers—and readers of course. For the longest time, I have kept an eye out for possible ways to widen my reach. Getting my content before a larger (and more diverse) audience. Medium certainly fits the bill and it subtly eli...