My top ten facts for the week
Birds need gravity to swallow.
v There
are approximately 10,000 varieties of apples around the world.

v Every
time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
v Every
human spends about 1/2 hour as a single cell.
v Ostriches
can run faster than horses and the males can roar like lions.
v 150
calorie is used in an hour when banging your head against a wall.
v Deers
can’t eat hay (they sure do have a taste for class).
v Your
stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks else it digests
v Strawberry
is the only fruit that has its seeds outside.
Porcupines float on water.
Culled from the web.
Brought to you
by,Magnanimous Ben.
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