Some phobias you probably never knew
Have you ever realized that you are afraid of something and can’t seem to know the name of the phobia? Well here is a list of some random phobias you probably never knew had a name or existed.
Usually the word phobia is used to express fear, aversions or hypersensitivity.
Ablutophobia: this means the fear of washing, bathing or cleaning. Probably from the word ablution.
Androphobia: this is the fear of men.
Friggatriskaidekaphobia: fear of Friday the 13th.
Chaetophobia: fear or hair.
Emetophobia: fear of vomiting.
Chromophobia: fear of bright colors.
Hypnophobia, somniphobia: fear of sleep, this is related to insomnia.
Ichtyophobia: this is the fear of fish, eating fish or dead fish.
Agrizoophobia: fear of wild animals e.g. panther, tiger, buffalo.
Gerontophobia: this is the fear of growing old or aging.
Share with me your fears and I’ll probably be able to name them. Adios amigos!!!!!
By Magnanimous Ben
am sure Harrysongz has da fear of hair