Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day,
Little children want to play.
One rhyme that we consciously and unconsciously sang as kids whenever the clouds gathered and wind caused leaves to rustle—sure you remember. Rainy season may not be my fave Nigerian season but it isn’t all that bad. Honestly, rains are refreshing because they have a way of dampening the heat from the sun plus they make our crops grow and flourish. At times too, they make we humans less irritable being that too much heat makes some of us irksome.
It has been pouring quite a lot this year and I thought to write about rainy season and me, plus it felt like one way to get out of a slight creative rut. Rains can be awesome and annoying sometimes. Awesome due to the fact that it makes the weather temperate and it affords me the opportunity to indulge in layering. Annoying because of how it rains at times; showers too light to carry an umbrella but can equally drench you, rains really heavy or windy that an umbrella isn’t much protection and it literally could sweep you off your feet. Another issue I have with rain out here is flood. I know you might be thinking it isn’t the rains’ fault but that of the drainage, and with that I totally agree. Floods—no matter how little—aside being annoying when wading through also pose some health risks; take the fact that the water ain’t flowing into cognisance,that could serve as a breeding spot for mosquitoes. Not to talk about the infections one is vulnerable to when wading through the water left by rain *ugh*.
Away from the flood, another thing I’ve realized I have come to love about rains is that it makes me enjoy warm/hot food. On normal, hot and sweaty days, hot food is a no-no for me cos my tongue and taste buds just don’t agree with it coupled with the fact that I can’t really savour the taste of what I’m feasting on (and I soo love doing that). The rains makes it easier for me to relish hot food. I’m also quite a sweater and rains like it has been this year means I don’t get to sweat much or feel uncomfortable when not doing strenuous or sweat producing activities—if nothing else, this makes me look forward to the rains sometimes.
Aside having to ‘lug’ an umbrella about any time the clouds gather or getting hit by impromptu rains or showers, not to forget the water splashing on the roads, rainy season can be good at times to me and I believe a number of you out there.
Are you a huge fan of rainy season? What do you find great or annoying about the season? Do share you thoughts with me in the comments.
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