Howdy folks, how have you been, wherever you may be? Trust you've been well and making life worth living. I'd be talking about organization today. Over the past months, a couple of persons have said on different occasions that my life is "too structured" or "I'm too efficient" (their words, not mine). I feel you may not quite agree with the efficiency aspect as I have been slacking on here, that won't be far from a truth. Anyway, I am more than tempted to believe that my seeming organization is as a result of my upbringing. Growing up, I (we) were more or less trained with time, most things had time allocated to them, even if the time might have been in terms of days and not hour. Growing up also to meet to-do lists (written on sticky notes) stuck where everyone would see them during the holidays--love, mom--, definitely made me grow up to a structured life/ scheduled life.
Enough of the backstory *smiles*, I have thought up some things that I believe help me remain organized even when things are about to drown you.
1. HAVE A PRIORITY LIST: have a good grasp of the things you plan to achieve within a certain time-frame and arrange them in the order of which is more important. The importance may be a function of deadline or urgency.
2. BE CONSCIOUS OF TIME: time is literally everything. It's one thing to identify the priorities and it's another to put a time to it. Personally, I'm very time conscious to the extent that I strive to be at places when I say I'd be there. Essentially, be time-oriented, let time (not being wasted) be at the core of your activities.
3. MAKE A TO-DO LIST PER TIME (DAY,WEEK ETC): set a to-do list for your priorities on the basis that suits them, in terms of time. A to-do list can be made for daily activities, weekly or even monthly. Strive to check of the things listed within the time frame allotted.
4. STRIVE FOR A NEAR PERFECT BLEND OF YOUR ACTIVITIES: enough said about priorities, it's also important to have an effective blend of your activities. The time allotted for one thing shouldn't overlap to the time of another, except in a bid to meet a deadline or it's of high priority. Also, don't procrastinate activities when they can be done.
5. REWARD: as someone that's just getting into this whole organization thing, it might prove helpful setting incentives for yourself as a motivation to be organized. After a while of sticking to your schedules, the incentives would no longer be required to keep you organized.
These are my tips on staying organized. After all said, AVOID PROCRASTINATION as that is one of the major causes of disorganization. The thing with procrastination is, the more you procrastinate, the more work you accumulate and the more stressed you'd get in the end.
What are your thoughts? Do you struggle with organization? Is there a tip you' wish to share? Let me hear all of this and more in the comment section.
I can see myself trying and failing already 😂