Hey Guys (and Girls)! Sure I would sound like a broken record right now but, ASUU (Academic Staff Union of Universities) has suspended their 3-month long strike. Woo-hoo!!!!!! (*inserts dancing lady emoji*). You might be wondering what ASUU and the strike has to do with today’s post well, nothing much. With the strike called off, sooner or later, most of us would find our ways back to our institutions and a number of us would be moving into new rooms on and off campus. That’s what this post is about; MOVING.
  I love making lists. On second thoughts, love may be too strong a word so, I like making lists. When I have a packed day of activities that may or may not need to follow a certain pattern, I make a list. When I have a number of things to get, I make a list. When I have a trip to make, I sure do make a list of things to take along. In light of these, prior to the strike some schools were on break or due to resume in some weeks’ time whilst some were in the middle of their semesters/sessions (the lack of uniformity is a result of strikes too). With resumption comes movement into new places/rooms for most. From experience, I know moving can be an actual pain in the neck (and arms and legs, basically the whole body) be it from house to house or in this case, from home to a room to be shared with a number of other(possibly dynamic) people. 

( Not moving or in varsity, you can read this)
  As expected, lists come in handy for this as well to be sure nothing is left out. The funny thing I’ve realized about moving is how the most used items can easily be forgotten when packing (toothbrushes, anyone?). Anyway, as the list lover that I am, I put together a checklist for movers (majorly varsity movers) as comprehensively as I could.

Some easily forgotten items: 
Belts, especially if you aren’t wearing one on the day of departure
Chargers (Always looking for the 100%?? I for one pack my charger the day I’m meant to move not the night before)

Download the checklist here.

Did I miss anything out on the checklist? What is the one thing you tend to forget whenever you move? I’d be glad to hear these and more from you in the comments

Hope you found this helpful,


  1. I tend to forget joy when moving to school

    1. Haha!! Hope you don't forget it this time.
      Thanks for stopping by.


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