Lunacy of Lagos: long overdue projects

As with the previous parts of this series, I doubt I can extensively talk about this in one post so, expect a follow up some time later. I talked earlier about what informs my perspective on this series as a whole and how you may find it a bit tainted, once again bear with me, the dust on the road has coated my glasses. Still on the perspective thing, I’d be starting with the roads that I ply often and are somehow meant to be important to Lagos as a city….…. Drum roll!!!! The Lagos-Badagry road: This road is touted to be of economic importance (well, before the borders were shut) but I just can’t fathom how with the said importance, repairs are going at snail pace on the road. I recall some 12/13 years back--the road may not have been exceptionally good but it wasn’t this bad either--we would spend not more than an hour-thirty minutes (that’s even maximum) from our side of the mainland to the town itself (not by public transport). Four-five years later, the road wa...