Whoop whoop!!! 2020 is finally here and I believe we all have hopes that it was worth the hype and wait. Funny how a couple years back, quite a number of us were little children beholding visions of 2020 as far away in the future but alas! How time flies. Congratulations are in order, you made it to 2020, a turn of a new decade (or is it?).  As has become a custom here, I bring to you a thoughtful post to start the new year.

December is turning out to be my most solemn month of each year where I find myself doing quite a bit of retro and introspection (I guess these thoughts are catalyzed by the quiet that comes with the month). Just before 2019 came to a wrap, the sole word that always accompanied my thoughts of 2020 was: INTENTIONAL and I think it is something y’all should be in on. I have come to realize that as pretty young children, the only thing that ever made the new year seem like a big deal for the fact that about that same time next year, there would have been a change of class. Aside that, the other thing we looked forward to was the festivities, for some of us, it meant a day or two with family beyond the one we spend the entirety of the year with. As one ages however, and life begins to pick up momentum beyond that which is predictable, I’m beginning to find it necessary to not start a year blind. I know at this point, resolutions is what would cross your mind but I quite frankly find resolutions as IGG (what we nigerians call initial gragra) or as some would rather say, unnecessary hype. This is not to say you should dump those resolutions in the trash, just make them into something that you’d find keep to as the tides of the year get stronger.
 For me, INTENTIONAL is my “resolution” for the new year. It sure is easier to walk into a new year blind -and- with wishes and hopes that things turn out right. It however seems better to walk into a new year with a target, a mantra to get you standing on days when you just have to get up. Intentional!! make your resolutions with intentions not because the wind blows you in that direction. Decide to live each moment with intentions cos in the larger scheme, nothing happens by accident.

I’m guessing at this point, you might view this as a random pep talk, anything inspiring to start the year, but honestly, ot is not. It is for you as much as it is for me. At times, it feels like we leave too much to luck and God -for those of us that believe- without actually being involved. On days like this, we watch our own game from the sidelines. Once again, it is easier to watch from the sidelines than to get on the pitch. But seeing that the game is ours, it is important we get up and have a say in which way the odds swing, get on the field with intentions.
  This is just me putting across to you and inevitably myself a better way to jump-start and see the year through. Consider different areas of your life and decide ways to hit certain goals within a time frame and ultimately before the dawn of another new year. Think about them,write them down, place them before you, read them before you sleep, anything to make those decisions rooted in your mind. Go ahead and work INTENTIONALLY towards these goals. Needless to say, it won’t be a smooth sail but, it would be worth the energy.

How do you intend to go through 2k20? Have you tried living intentionally for even a month? What was the experience like?
Catch me next in a forthnight as I share how intend to go about living intentionally.

Be intentional



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