Whilst quite a number of countries are in partial or total lockdown, it has come to my realization how life has become compulsorily simple. You find tiktok and triller videos of families or couples dancing (because what else is there to be done), parents are getting to know their kids better as most can’t leave early for work and return late while the kids sleep. For some of us, this lockdown isn’t so much of a hassle as we are homebodies but for those on the other end of the divide, they might be finding it rather difficult to adapt for just a while.
Before I go on; if you are reading this and aren’t on your favourite chair indoor, GO HOME and STAY THERE. A week ago, tertiary institutions were shut for the safety of the students, many I’m sure are back home and might be finding it difficult to be home at this time of the year being that a number were either in the middle of a semester or just about to write exams and a few lucky to be on break already. You probably are thinking I’m here to give advice on how not to fall into that bad place i.e. thinking you are on break whereas, a trailer load of tests and exams await your return. Well, nope.
Many are bored being that they are trapped indoors and find this simpleness strange. Anyhoo, I have curated some activities to get you through these isolation times.
  • Take on one of the #stayhomechallenge: be it the 25 pushup challenge or the tissue juggling, feel free to jump on the challenge.

  • Workout: you might be more inclined to being on the move for exercise but even as movement is restricted, you still can workout. Jumprope, do simple cardio or weight resistance training right in your home. Credit

  • Engage in board games and puzzles with family

  • Keep a log/journal: writing help some of us retain our sanity. This is a good time to start a journal or keep a daily/weekly log of life in semi-isolation. Think of it like a time capsule, write something resonating with these times. Heck, you can even begin writing that book you’ve always wanted to.

    • Gain culinary skills. Experiment with new recipes: ever wondered how recipes that we follow to the letter came to be? It likely started as an experiment. You could take a recipe and replace some things with appropriate alternative. If you're taken to adventure, you can develop yours from scratch. Just don't poison yourself ๐Ÿ‘€

    • Take online classes: YouTube, udemy, courseera, lynda and the list goes on and on. Find what piques your interest and look for classes addressing those. May the odds be in your favor.
    • Catch up on school work (there might be no time when this phase is over): lets be real, even after this phase is over, life continues, though it maynot be as it used to. Likewise, after all this, we go back to our lives as students. Even if we shy away from it, it is necessary we don’t put aside school work as though we were on an actual break. Come up to speed with what was treated prior to the break and go further. 

    • Research/learn random new skills
    • Take up a new hobby or pick up from where you stopped with your last hobby
    • Maintain contact: the chances that we are on lockdown with our friends are slim so, maintain contact regardless, calls, facetime, chat. Same for family faraway. Whatever works for you, afterall we really can't say how long we would be home.
    • Show gratitude: it is moments like this that bring to remembrance the volatility of life. Show gratitude to God and to man. Say a word of thanks each waking moment, send appreciation note, put a virtual smile on one’s face.

    • Read my blog: seeing that life is on a compulsory halt, things that would once have cut off my time her are now not as intensive. So, y'all should expect more frequent posts.

    Stay safe,
    Stay indoors,
    Wash ‘em hands.
    Stay alive.


    How are you coping with the lockdown?  What are you doing to pass the days? I would love to hear in the comments.


    1. Great Post as always
      But what about when we're Locked in with people that should only be taken in small doses

      1. Then you take them in as small doses as possible. You definitely want to come out of this sane๐Ÿ˜‰

      2. Lol If I poison myself I'd hold you responsible!


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