I recall sometime two years ago, whilst roaming the “streets of instagram”, I stumbled upon the cover art for this book and it somehow was relegated to the back of my head. Thinking about it, the book was yet to be released then. Fast forward to last year November, I see feeds about this book on one of my social media, I gloss over the post, remembering the book from sometime before. Once again, I don’t particularly go all out to search for this book. So, come December, I’m surfing the web and find this book staring me in the face once again. After coming across it for the third time now, I obviously couldn’t avoid it and went ahead to get it. As I had some other books I was reading, I didn’t get to reading it till January this year. Down to the actual review. Overview Note: I doubt an overview can give you enough insight into the happenings of this book but I’d go ahead nonetheless. Ada is the second child and first daughter of a Nigerian (Ibo) father and a Malays...