Hey people!!! Feeling lost? Trust me, you took the right turn and are in the right place. This is still yours truly on mixedbaggy though it all looks different from what you probably saw the last time you stopped by. Well, well, I made some minor changes to how everything looks just for you (?).
What are the latest blog edits.
Honestly, I didn’t change much. The theme, which is responsible for how the blog looks on a whole is still the same cos I like how easy it is to navigate. If you are one of the earlier readers of this blog, you’d reckon this is my third blog edit (if I’m correct). It had a black and orange themed background before switching to that which most of you are used to seeing here now.
In the course of the month, I stumbled on a very helpful app (I hopefully should get to that some time later. *fingers crossed*) and that inspired me to add a bit of a personal touch to how the blog is presented to y’all. Down to the personal touches, I am a lover of monochrome and neutrals, I could probably watch black and white TV and not get tired, but I digress. I went on to making a new header--different from the calming sea that once used to be there--relating to me and the blog as a whole.
Changes were made to the background from blue to a more neutral color that I believe to be more friendly to the eyes, that doesn’t change the fact that blue is one of my go-to colors right after black and different shades of grey. Back to the header, it has given the blog a more “professional” outlook and I don’t have to have the weird title: “Random write-ups” sitting up there. The new header sums the blog all up well, even if I say so myself. Like I mentioned earlier, no particularly big change was made, just a couple of touches here and there yet, it looks like an overhaul. I honestly hope you prefer the new look as much as I do.
You may be wondering; WHY THE EDITS? First, I was getting tired of the blue look but not the theme. Don’t get me wrong, I like blue but I was getting tired of it still. The second thing as weird as it might sound, is the fact that I’m getting older and I began longing to settle for a more mature look on the blog. Next, I needed a personalized header like yesterday and having to put one together myself is fulfilling in its own way. Lastly, I felt the need for the change. A wide number of blogs I visit and websites even have neutral themed pages. I didn’t particularly want to conform but had to up my game, editing the theme was a step in the right direction.
Finally, it seemed like a great way to mark our 100th post (though this is the 101st post). Oh, yes!!!! We are 100 posts and going strong.
WHY DID I MAKE A POST ABOUT THIS? For one, to involve you my dear readers in the edits and to let y’all know that you weren’t lost if you did think that for the first couple of seconds you landed on this page. Then, to document my progress, as I mentioned in some previous post of mine about journaling keeping tabs on growth and progress. This post would live here for like forever and would always, always remind me of how this space once looked and how far we’ve come.
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