Hey people! Trust the previous week went well. Remember my previous post on my love-hate relationship with social media (ICYMI, find it here)?
As everything under the sun has a good and bad view, so does social media. As promised, today’s post borders on the pros of social media.
Platform for entrepreneurs to sell themselves: leveraging on the fact that the world is turning more and more to a global village by the hour, popular social media apps serve as platforms for business owners and entrepreneurs to reach a wider client base. Varying people with a myriad of needs use social media actively and from time to time. It would come as no surprise that one’s prospective customers could be found in a corner of one of these platforms.
News travels faster: Some 20+ years ago, the only access we had to news and current happenings in other parts of the world were the news (radio/TV) and newspapers. Even with these within easy reach, they carried the most important or trending news. With the social media age came more awareness, some person in some random or unheard place on the globe with a click can bring to the knowledge of thousands things going on around him/her. This also reduced--slightly--the monopoly of news houses as it is harder to share false news or ignore pressing matters when the people in concern can easily bring the actual truth to light.
Widens ones knowledge base: away from the tonnes of pictures and the somewhat irrelevant texts, there’s some lot to learn through social media. Certain accounts are aimed at the enlightenment of as many that wish to be enlightened on a wide range of topics. Following some of these accounts would most certainly make one wiser, sharpen one’s intellect and probably alter views on certain things for better.
Has served as a good start/ springboard for creatives of different shades: from skit makers to actual musician and even literature enthusiasts and more than a handful of other creatives, social media at times serves as a sounding board for certain ideas. It could also go without saying how much of a role social media has played in the timeline of certain careers (you know a couple, I need not call names). Some have started small but have been launched to limelight and peaks at varying points in their careers due to the coverage that social media provides.
All in all, social media can turn out good or bad for you, it all depends on how you tend to use it.
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