Good day readers, while thinking about what to post, I decided to post a list of some things that I once wanted to do and some things that I still want to do. Enjoy reading this list

Ø  Getting active on the internet via a website
       I always longed to have a website and I think I am close to that with the start-up of this very blog. I really do not know why I always wanted that but I am fulfilled with my little space on this blog.
Ø  Cycling 
      I have always admired bicycles but unfortunately haven’t gotten to learn how to ride. I think the major setback is my fear of getting injured whilst learning to ride. (Hopefully, someday I’ll overcome that).
Ø  Learn Spanish
      Honestly, I just don’t understand why I am so drawn to that language (hahahahahaha!!! Probably because I’ve watched a lot of Telemundo movies) but it will be a real pleasure to be able to speak a foreign language.
Ø  Work out (in terms of muscle building) 
      This may sound weird but I always wanted to visit a gym-even though I’ve partially lost that aspiration. I actually think this is as a result of the kind of brothers I have.
Ø  Play tennis
      I am really in love with this sport but I think lack of speed has gotten the better part of me when it comes to this.
Ø  Be my stylist
     Even though I may not be really a fashionista, I always wondered how it feels like to style one’s self and also longed to get to feel that way. I believe that project of mine is still in its incubation process.
Ø  Arrange for people to meet their celebrity crushes
     So many people have some celebrities that they would like to meet and I think I’d like to arrange some of such meetings for people close to me.

     This is actually all that I can think of now. Will update more later. Feel free to add some things that you’ve hoped or still hope to do. I see a blessed week ahead.


  1. learn spanish? datz wat 2 much of telemundo does to you,and u can stil play tennis.About visiting the gym,u wia neva clear

  2. tnx for your encouragement :-)


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