Musings: Society

 The post you are about to read was written some while back when I was in my "Socrates mood". Well, I was basically musing about the happenings around and viola!! This post was born. Not pre-planned but I think it turned out well, right? Lemme know when you are done with it.

   It saddens my heart to see the society promoting that which shouldn't even be heard of in the first place. Things that ordinarily would be hidden and not spoken of in the earlier days are so easily & shamelessly broadcast nowadays. It leaves me wondering—as always—if the society consciously encourages these things or it has just become normal to we the people. Often times, we do things taking the society to heart, that's why we find ourselves considering what people would say or think when we're about to do certain things.
   However, that feeling of the society being right many a time is fading away right before my eyes. Why won't it; when the society now—subtly—encourages acts like fraud, the baby mama thing and some other oddities I can't even bring up now. The SOCIETY is made of we the PEOPLE and sometimes, we don't realize that even our smallest and seemingly innocent actions pass messages. Take for instance;  an artiste singing about vices. Or an everyday parent comparing his/her child to another's whose source of income can't be pointed at, but is living “the life”. Or online forums that tend to promote superficiality as opposed to real qualities and content. The little things we say & do are likely to have a lasting effect on the receiver and then the society.
   Whether we like it or not, the things we see online, read, watch and listen to have the ability to change our mindset without us noticing. They can make us see and think to be normal, things that are not. The media “glorifying and portraying” things or ideas that are not right as right can make those things begin to look okay in our minds. At times, it would take a deliberate effort to see beyond one's nose when it comes to the media to realize that, “cos the media says it is, doesn't necessarily mean it is”.

What do you think? Do you share the same opinion as myself? How do you view this write up? Do let me know in the comments.

Guard your mind,


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