As we started 2k18, we’d by His grace start 2k19 and finish it up too with pleasant memories and experiences tagging along with us up until the end. Can I hear an AMEN! So, I have noticed that by some unconscious effort, my posts towards the end and beginning of the year seem to take on a sober kinda form and that, I don’t quite have an explanation for. Anyway, today’s post is going to be taking on that form too *shrugs*.

   It’s often said; Life is a journey, life is a race. Those are definitely true, we all have places that we are destined to be (destinations), and stops we must make to refuel and mark that we must pass. One thing one should know however is, you may be running on a certain track with 2 million or thousand or hundreds of thousand (you get the drill) other people but, that doesn’t mean y’all are headed the same way or y’all are even running on the right tracks. Another thing, regardless the fact that it is a race, the individualistic nature cannot be overlooked. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and, these two IMHO inform the pace at which we move. The same way a natural sprinter can’t perform exactly well in a marathon race due to the fact that sprinting is what his/her muscles are trained for. It’s the same with life, sometimes, it’s okay not to be fast, sometimes it’s okay to stop running and appreciate that/those we have around and marvel at far we’ve run. In the larger scheme of things, it is a race but not all that competitive. If anything, you are your own competition, you’d only try to “out do” your “done-thats”. We may naturally share the same time but, when it comes to life, time is different for everyone, things happen in a varying combination of sequences for every life. There might be a general order for what some consider milestones but the ‘devil’ is in the details.

   Regardless of the said individualistic nature of life, helping hands should be lent to other racers when they are in need of it and you have the capacity to. It’s pretty common a saying that; “we rise by lifting others”, even if it may not look true at times, it sure is. Using your time/resources (or whatever) to cast others down can be likened to trying to get someone off a very mobile ladder. Now, you’d expend so much energy on that person that even if he/she somehow manages to get off the ladder, you’d need time to renew your strength and who knows if you won’t get a taste of your own medicine (just saying). Or, you’d get the person off and you both would fall with the ladder. Whatever it is,it’s not a profitable outcome.

   If you help some other racer on the tracks, trust me, the tables could easily be turned around and they may be the only ones there to help. But then,it’s safe to not expect a repayment of the deed, that keeps our heads on our shoulders. Like I once noted, we are humans and flawed, don’t expect too much.

Lend a hand,

What plans do you have for the new year? Do you set goals and resolutions for a new year? I'd definitely love to hear all of your thoughts in the comments section.


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