“The ivory towers and alleged repository of knowledge.
Oh, how much my big ears have heard
and my spectacled eyes beheld.
Does that ring a bell?”

Anyhoo, the university space can be likened to a small community on its own where you get to meet and mingle with a pool of people with different character traits and backgrounds, and different stories to tell.
What has the varsity environment taught me? The list would likely turn inexhaustible in a couple years’ time but for now, Read on to find out.

Tolerance: this would likely top anyone’s list as varsity can be likened to a confluence point of freshwater and salt water. In the university environment, one would inevitably have to learn and eventually master the skill of tolerance. From people with non so pleasant attitudes to the proud and loudmouthed and whatever might complete the list for you, tolerance is something you get to learn as you grow in the aforementioned environment. I have learnt and am still learning to be tolerant to certain things and people under certain circumstances.

Actual courage and mouthed braveness are entirely different: back to the loud mouthed issue, I have realized that people have the tendency to overrate their abilities. When all is rosy and the sun shines on all things good and bad alike, they could be noted for their “bravado”, talking mountains down and sailing through tempests. In the face of storms and actual problems however, this same set could turn as mute as a mute and shrink to microscopic sizes (definitely not physically).

The complete 180 : good girl turned bad, bad boy turned good, humble turned haughty and vice versa. Change is a constant, right? The freedom that the varsity environment at time  provides acts as a catalyst to these kind of changes, same as the crowd with which one move can see to these changes occurring (either good or bad). The aforementioned catalysts aside, faintness of heart and willpower (to give in to the change or not) plays a key roll too. Trust me, the complete 180 change is not an uncommon one.

Safety consciousness: No where is safe!!! It is rather easy for one to have the notion that the campus environment is safe. Well, it might not be as dangerous as the surrounding cities but it is not a squeaky clean bubble in itself, there could always be a big bad wolf in the woods. Basic rules of safety like not walking about at certain hours of the night, opting for other means of transport at late hours (if available), being conscious of your immediate environment in case someone happens to be tailing you, walking in groups and every other safety mechanism you know should equally be utilized when necessary. All in all, you know what they say: “na God dey protect pesin”

People users: Certain people enter our lives to help us become better people with us inevitably influencing their lives as well. Some on the other hand come into our lives and milk every inch of us after which they leave like nothing ever happened, they are the USERS. You find these people everywhere..well, almost everywhere at least and some have mastered subtlety that you aren’t aware of they are using you till you take inventory.

‘Nuff said.


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