18 things to help make the most of '18

I believe I have said this already but there’s no harm saying it again: HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS!!! Looking to having a splendid year here and in reality, hoping you do too.

   I initially was shying away from making a “new year's post”. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to but it just wasn’t flowing. I feel like many a time, New Year posts and its likes make life look like it’s “one-size-fits-all”. Definitely, there are habits that should and should not be cultivated by all, but still, one road doesn’t lead to the market. Well, after a series of happenings, I finally got what I wanted to have as my New Year’s post for you all. It’s a new year and I’m presently not in the mood for a lengthy post so, I’d just drop a list *winks*.

18 things/tips to help make the most of 2018 (My thoughts).

1. Don’t trust your happiness in the hands of any except God and yourself.
2. Please God with your actions, thoughts and speech.
3. A heart of gratitude in all situations.
4. A spirit of contentment.
5. Be true to yourself.
6. Discover what gets you going and run with it.
7. Be your own competition.
8. Know your worth. Don’t settle for less.
9. Be your motivator/cheerleader.
10. Reach out of your comfort zone.
11. Take a step back on some days to relax and rejuvenate.
12. Celebrate your successes no matter how little. You earned it.
13. Don’t lose yourself in a bid to gain people/approval.
14. Face your fears, don’t run away from them.
15. Get your priorities straight.
16. Find time for those special people, busyness regardless.
17. Find strength in this weaknesses. We are as strong as our weakest link.
18. No to negativity and toxic relationships.

There you have it, my 2kobo. Whatever you do, make 2018 a year that would bring smiles and fond memories not frowns and regrets to your face and mind when it takes its leave. Make the most of it.



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