So I've been thinking a lot of recent but let me tender my apologies for not updating all this while, had some major academic related stuff doing hence blogging had to be on hold. Back to what I was saying initially... I've been thinking a lot of recent and I've realized that streamlining myself to one blogging niche isn't for me and here is the reason: God has blessed me with so much creativity and I'm not certain blogging about one side of me would work. 
I want to write great poems and prose, read books and write reviews, talk about my faith in God and my views on some things going on around. I want to write about all the stuff my heart beats after, I want to write about fashion, my DIY experiences all at once and on the same platform. I've realized that the only niche that probably defines me and my style of blogging is divergent cos that's really what describes me.  Hence the need for another blog makeover. It isn't going to be so much of a difference but I would be writing about the other numerous sides there are to me. There'd definitely still be literature -cos I love it- and various blog posts in which I would write about several other things, some of which I've already enumerated earlier in this article. I honestly pray you enjoy the new turns this blog is taking once again in the year 2017 and speaking of honesty, I'd also feature some honest opinions of mine and others on general stuff. 
PS : I wasn't feeling fulfilled blogging only about literature, something just didn't feel right. I also would love to thank those that still sit behind their big and little screens viewing my blog. Much love.



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