I’m getting to this gratitude series in no particular order. No scale. Nothing. I am thankful for different  things for different reasons. Today, I am grateful for growth.

It might have seemed like all came to a halt in the earlier parts of the year. The thrill of the year faded away and I’m certain at some point we all felt stuck in an annoying loop or even worse, a standstill.

Despite how the year turned out, I can’t help but notice and show gratitude for the notable growth I have experienced in 2020. Although it probably isn't “physically evident” (did I grow taller? maybe) I have seen improvements and much-needed growth in certain areas. I am definitely not the same as I was at the start of 2020.

I overcame the reluctance to shamelessly share my works and pieces of art (art=writing=poetry). My writing and creative process has gotten better with the days—heck! I wrote every day without fail for over a hundred days. I still write everyday—writing in one form or another. Stumbling upon a 6-year old essay opened my eyes to how much improvement my writing has seen. And even though my writing voice has evolved, the basis are still the same (telling the truth as I see it). 

I have learned to be more committed and consistent with things I set out to do (not fully there yet but progress regardless). I am learning to start somewhere and build from there—grow—instead of waiting to “be big” (compounding interest is an idea for a reason).

I have learned to shamelessly—again—shoot my shots at opportunities and accept seeming rejection as a part of the learning process. 2019 ‘Mina would have found reasons (valid and invalid) to not apply for a writing spot at a magazine but then, 2020 saw me taking those chances—probably a function of not having to think of a pending jury, but I digress. I have sent a couple of applications on a whim this year and even if I have been unable to snag some of these spots, I am glad I sent the applications out. 

Yes, I am grateful for growth in all its forms and sizes; body, mind, soul and spirit.

Keep blooming,


How have you grown this year? What are you thankful for? 


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